Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC)

Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) are community-based, child-friendly, and trauma-informed organizations that coordinate a multidisciplinary response to child maltreatment allegations. CACs deliver a best practice model that bring together CPS investigators, law enforcement, forensic interviewers, prosecutors, family advocates, medical and mental health professionals to provide a coordinated, comprehensive response to victims and their caregivers.

CACs have found success providing a safe, neutral environment for children and their families where the child’s well-being is a priority. At a CAC, children can speak to a forensic interviewer who is trained to understand child development, how to manage bias, and is knowledgeable in addressing secondary trauma and other best practices for interviewing children. This multidisciplinary team approach results in better outcomes for child abuse investigations.

For additional information please contact our CAC Interim Director and Program Manager Nina Taylor, by phone at (360) 280-5408 or by email.

NCA Information Video:  How CACs Help Kids on Vimeo

The CAC Program has a dedicated Fax number of: (360) 249-8424.